Thursday, October 30, 2008

CONA Debate Forum: Part II

Well, it took me long enough. I will start this by saying that many of the questions in the debate have been asked of the candidates before and are answered below. So with this particular blog I'm going to go over my impression of the candidates and a few questions that may not have been covered before.

Board of Education

In the first debate were the candidates for the Board of Education, as a reminder the candidates are Brewington, Chappell, De Shields (Incumbent), Nichols (Incumbent) and Redenbaugh. It seems that the introduction of two new magnet schools is a source of some controversy. Redenbaugh and De Shields both talked about this topic and they both seemed to feel that this wasn't done properly, and that not enough research was done. De Shields added that when the parents and teachers don't buy in then magnet schools don't do well and the speed at which this decision was made did not allow time for this process. All of the candidates agree that Creationism is best left out of our Science programs. One surprise was when Nichols abstained from answering whether neighborhood schools lack racial diversity. Redenbaugh also abstained from answering whether she felt that vouchers would be a good option for our area.

Overall the candidates that I felt made the best impression were Brewington, De Shields, and Redenbaugh. Chappell was not asked many questions during the audience Q&A period, but some of her answers to the panel questions left me a little hesitant. Nichols seems to be of the "old guard" and her abstaining from answer the previously mentioned question left the audience and other candidates to believe that she felt that racial diversity in neighborhood schools is not much of an issue or that she believes that racial diversity is not important. Since we aren't in her mind we can't be sure but it certainly got a few groans all over the auditorium.

District 18 NC House of Representatives

The next debate was between Hughes (Incumbent) and Swart for the NC House of Representatives. Hughes came to the debate prepared to discuss her acomplishments in the short year that she has been a Representative, unfortunately she was not prepared for the attacks that Swart brought with him and this showed in some of her answers and responses to Swarts answers.

When asked about the Districting lines of Pender, Hughes stated that this was a matter for the US Supreme Court to hash out at this point and trusted a fair answer and Swart felt that the lines were unconstitutional and that Pender should be one district with NH being split into two districts.

On the subject of Forced Annexation Swart felt that annexation was being used to bring more tax dollars in rather than to provide services, he also stated rather than cutting programs we should look into getting rid of things like the controversial convention center. Hughes felt that without Annexation that city residents pay more for services that everyone uses and that this should be made more fair.

On the subject of Titan moving to our area, Hughes was against Titan all together and did not feel (after having spoke with the Corp of Engineers) that Titan would be able to obtain the necessary certifications. Swart felt that rather than giving tax incentives to one corporation to come into our area that the Corporate tax rate should be lowered altogether allowing any Corporation that wanted to move in to do so.

Hughes also answered that she felt that corruption of the General Assembly has been taken care of, citing that the House moved to thank the Speaker for his hard work in keeping things together so well, she also supports televising the General Assembly meetings.

Things got a little heated when Hughes asked Swart what kind of experience did he have and he said "Nearly as much as you". Hughes was on City Council before being put into her new position. I can't find where Swart has ever served a political office before.

I generally support Hughes and the vitriole with which Swart attacked and the fact that he has been on TV discussing how county Demecrats vote based on skin color I have to say that my impression of him at this point is quite low. Not to mention that my personal stances are very different than his.

New Hanover County Commissioners

This debate was between candidates Barfield, Berger, Davis (Incumbent), Kopp (Incumbent), and Thompson (City Council member). Obviously this debate centered a lot on Titan and the incentives that were promised by County Commissioner. Berger and Barfield came out as completely against Titan, with Berger even stating that a new Count Commissioner Board needed to pull out of this promise even if it would be problematic stating that it is a moral imperative. Kopp defended the incentive stating that we must offer incentives to get Corporations to move to the area with Davis saying that he would not take back his votefor the incentive if given another chance. Thompson is against incentives as a general rule and feels that this was a bad deal and that the public should have had a chance to give input before the decision was made.

Titan was not the only subject, though. When discussing the consolidation of services, Thompson stated that the concept was good but that it was being poorly managed giving a "C" grade to the process, he was the only candidate that did not feel that the consolidation was poorly planned. Berger was against consolidation of services.

On the subject of the privatization of Wave Transit, Davis was the only candidate that did not feel it was ill-conceived.

A county re-evaluation of Property taxes was also part of the lightening round with Davis and Kopp against the idea and Barfield, Berger, and Thompson for the re-evaluation.

The ABC Board Expansion also came up with Barfield, Berger, and Thompson against this, Davis for it and Kopp abstaining.

The CFCC Bond was generally supported by everyone except Berger.

Overall, I believe the three candidates that were not already on the board are the best candidates (Barfield, Berger, and Thompson). Davis and Kopp made this decision for me quite easy with many of their answers even before the debate, but even more obvious during this debate.

NC Senate

This debate was quite lively between Boseman and Lee. There were a lot of supporters from both sides and many questions from the audience were obviously skewed in favor of or opposition to one candidate or the other.

Titan came up with Boseman supporting incentives as a general rule, but opposed to Titan. She propsed that legislation should be put in to restrict polluting companies from moving into areas that would be that close to schools and wet lands. Lee sees that incentives are necessary but that there needs to be objective criteria used, he also favors lowering Corporate Taxes. Which leads to the subject of taxes, Boseman pointed out that she has already voted (and it was passed) to lower corporate taxes and that our base in NC has increased overall and that is how we get more tax dollars and keep a balanced budget.

When discussing how to keep spending down, Boseman says that a freeze on hiring, freeze on government travel, and eliminating jobs that have gone more than 6 months without being filled. Lee says that he will "stand up and say stop" when projects are being put in the budget that he doesn't support (this seems naive to me since politics is a system of give and take, and may lead to him being ineffective for our area).

When discussing UNCW and State Universities, Boseman states that our schools are a top value and has increased funding, including a new nursing school at UNCW. Lee says that Financial Aid will remain Federally backed and that college should be made more affordable for NC families. Boseman also answered that in our public education system that standardized testing is necessary but needs to shift and we need to be more creative in how this is done.

Boseman is generally regarded as an advocate in the Senate for Domestic Violence legislation. When Lee was questioned he stated that a better system of enforcement of restraining orders was needed statewide.

I hope that this information was helpful. I believe I've handled all of the elected positions in New Hanover county other than the Register of Deeds. Unfortunately, I'm having some problem determining much of a difference between the two candidates and will need to work a little harder. I may be left at just presenting their history and hope that is of some help.

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