Monday, July 14, 2008

Titan, the economic controversy.

I'm going to try to break this subject into parts. So the first installment is the economic controversy. One of the reasons I'm starting with this is because when the County Commissioners met to get public input (which was after they had already made their decision to offer tax incentives to Titan) most of them made it clear that their decision was based on the economic impact of such a factory to our area.

Titan, a cement manufacturer, has been promised $4.2 million in tax incentives from the New Hanover Board of Commissioners to come to our area. The factory will be built were a previous cement factory once stood and is currently scheduled to start the permit process soon. There are many controversies over Titan coming to the Cape Fear region, including the numbers that the Commissioners give on economic impact. According to a WWAY news report, the public is being told by officials that the plant will employee 150 people, and bring in $500 million in revenue and improvements to the area. However, UNCW Business Professor Curt Stiles says that these numbers don't even scratch the surface of the true economic impact of such an industry to our area. According to the report:

Professor Stiles said UNCW has the capability to run more detailed studies, including the impact the cement plant will have on everything from infrastructure, to retail stores.

Commissioner Greer says there aren't any further plans to dig deeper into the economic impact of the plant.

If it is truly a boon to our economy and the Commissioners are so sure that they have made the correct decision in terms of the economy, then why are they refusing to allow a more in-depth study on this proposed industrial facility? Who will be filling these 150 jobs? It has been stated that Titan will bring more people into the area (which is already overburdened by development) yet it's also supposed to help with unemployment. It seems that it could only effectively do one or the other and with almost 5000 people currently on unemployment in New Hanover County, and many more who are unemployed, but not eligible for unemployment, I don't see how a few jobs is going to alleviate that situation much, let along be a "boon" for the economy.

More information as to how the economic impact given by public officials may be wrong is best summed up in this quote by (Link):
In fact, actual studies of southern cities where new low-tech industries located show they typically reduce long-term net economic activity and jobs due to increasing input costs, congestion of local infrastructure, and the perception that an area is favoring dirty heavy industries. Nor did the commissioners consider the negative affect air pollution would have on the real estate or tourism industries, or the increased health care costs due to more asthma, emphysema, and other ailments.
From personal experience, I would say that a drive to Charleston, SC through several heavy industry towns can help one see why these statements make sense. On a trip to Charleston about 18 months ago my husband and I drove through a couple of small towns that had huge plants with smoke stacks pumping out smoke. We even stopped at a run down McDonalds in one of these towns (as it was the only restaurant we could find in the area) and commented to one another how dead the area looked. It seemed strange, but the towns that had the biggest industry were also the dirtiest and most run down. You didn't see very many houses and they certainly weren't inviting to stop in. Since the Cape Fear area is a tourist area we need to consider the anesthetics and how that will affect those dollars that come in from outside our community.

One of the factors that could show a disproportionate number on the economy is that cement manufacturing companies (Titan included) are typically run by international conglomerates (click here for link).
The cement industry is heavily consolidated and controlled by international companies that are, in many cases, based outside the United States. While the U.S. economy demands cement, the pollution is dumped domestically while the profits are exported.
Since answers to these questions are not forth coming from our public leaders, and Titan has canceled their public meeting that was scheduled 2 weeks ago, the people of New Hanover County are left holding the financial and health burden on this proposed site.

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